1. Achieve Quiter Oceans by shipping noise footprint reduction (AQUO). 2014. WP5: practical guidelines Task T5.1. Comprehensive listing of possible improvement solutions and mitigation measures. www.aquo.eu/downloads/AQUO_R5_9_List_Mitigation_Measures_rev1_0.pdf.
2. Bretschneider H Bosschers J Choi GH Ciappi E Farabee T Kawakita C Tang D. 2014. Final report and recommendations to the 27th ITTC. Specialist committee on hydrodynamic noise. 27th ITTC Copenhagen.
3. DNV GL AS Class guideline – DNVGL-CG-0313. Edition July 2019 Measurement procedures for noise emission.
4. Validated shipping noise maps of the Northeast Atlantic
5. Small reductions in cargo vessel speed substantially reduce noise impacts to marine mammals