1. These doctrines are found throughout their works. The following are only examples of explicit statements. Sidgwick H.The Methods of Ethics, 7th ed 1962 220 220 pp. 411ff; H. Rashdall:The Theory of Good and Evil, vol. I, Ch. VII, sec. i; G. E. Moore:Principia Ethica, sec. 89. For W. D. Ross, A. C. Ewing, and R. Chisholm, see below. W. D. Falk's ‘Morality, Self, and Others’ inMorality and the Language of Conduct(eds: H. N. Casteñeda and G. Nakhnikian, 1965) is a signal exception to universalism.
2. See my Act and Agent EvaluationsThe Review of Metaphysics1973