1. Abbreviations used:CCC = countercurrent chromatography; CCD = countercurrent distribution; TLC = thin layer chromatography; HPLC = high performance liquid chromatography; K = partition coefficient; Rf= mobility relative to front; UV = ultraviolet; Tfa = trifluoroacetyl; NH4s OAc = ammonium acetate; B = n-butanol; H = hexane; A = acetic acid; W = water; E = ethanol; CCK = cholecystokinin; TFA = trifluoroacetic acid; Ac = acetyl; LPH = lipotropin
2. Preparative countercurrent chromatography with horizontal flow-through coil planet centrifuge
3. Ito, Y. 1983.Meth. Enzymol., Vol. 91, 335New York: Academic Press.
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