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2. Allan C. 2021. “The Gospel According to John McClane: Why Die Hard is the Ultimate Christmas Film.” Premier Christianity December 7. https://www.premierchristianity.com/reviews/the-gospel-according-to-john-mcclane-why-die-hard-is-the-ultimate-christmas-film/5819.article.
3. "'Just the fax, ma'am'": Male Sentimentality in the Die Hard Films
4. Brody R. 2017. “Eighties Action Movies I’ve Never Seen: ‘Die Hard’s Culture of Violence.” The New Yorker August 3.
5. Bruk D. 2016. “Here’s How Much Money Kevin’s Dad Spent in ‘Home Alone.’” Good Housekeeping December 22. https://www.goodhousekeeping.com/life/entertainment/news/a42050/home-alone-dad-spent-christmas/.