1. M. P. Lechevalier and H. A. Lechevalier, in “TheActinomycetales,” ed. by H. Prauser, Gustav Fischer Verlag, Jena, 1970. pp. 311–316.
2. R. G. Spiro, in “Methods in Enzymology,” Vol. 8, ed. by E. F. Neufeld and V. Ginsburg, Academic Press, New York, 1966, pp. 311–320.
3. G. Zweig and J. Sherma (ed.), in “CRC Handbook of Chromatography,” Vol. 2, CRC Press, Inc., Boca Raton, Florida, 1972, pp. 103–190.
4. G. Zweig and J. Sherma (ed.), in “CRC Handbook of Chromatography,” Vol. 1, CRC Press, Inc., Boca Raton, Florida, 1972, pp. 283–436.