1. “Enzyme Nomenclature 1984,” Academic Press, Inc., New York, 1984, p. 356.
2. K. Morihara, “Proteinases and Their Inhibitors,” ed. by V. Turk and Lj. Vitale, Mladinska Knjga-Pergamon Press, 1981, p. 213.
3. K. Hiromi, “Nyumon Koso Hanno Sokudoron (in Japanese),” ed. by S. Ono, Kyoritsu Shuppan, Tokyo, 1975, p. 58.
4. S. Murao and K. Oda, “Aspartic Proteinases and Their Inhibitors,” ed. by V. Kostka, Walter de Gruyter, Berlin, 1985, p. 379.