1. L. A. Black, “Standard Methods for the Examination of Dairy Products,” Eleventh Edition, American Public Health Association, 1790 Broadway, New York 19, N. Y., 1960, p. 183.
2. E. P. Clark, “Semi-Micro Quantitative Organic Analysis,” Academic Press, New York, 1843, p.
3. W. Horwitz, “Method of Analysis AOAC,” Eleventh edition, Association of Official Analytical Chemists, Washington, 1970, p. 395.
4. K. Sasaki, “Chikusan Daijiten,” Yôkendô, Tôkyô, 1964, p. 1074.
5. L. Eitan, K. K. Aharon and S. M. Mogen, Br. pat I. 158, 023 (1969).