1. J. E. Nelemans, A, H. Pecasse, W. Pesch and U. Verstrijden (Stamicarbon), U.S. Patent 3105067 (1963).
2. T. Fukumura, Proceeding of the First Inter-sectional Congress of IAMS (Tokyo, September, 1974), 5, 495 (1975).
3. T. Fukumura, Japanese Patent Publication 47–41554 (1972), 48–5994 (1973); U.S. Patent 3796632 (1974); Brit. Patent 1352860 (1974).
4. Society of American Bacteriologist, “Manual of Microbiological Methods.” McGraw-Hill Book Co., Inc., New York, Toronto, London, 1957.
5. “Bergey’s Manual of Determinative Bacteriology,” 7th Ed., The Williams & Wilkins Company, Baltimore, 1957.