1. W. J. McGlothlin,Baptist Confessions of Faith, Baptist Historical Society, 1911.
2. The Baptist Reply to the Lambeth Appeal, adopted by the Baptist Union Assembly, May 4th, 1926 (reprinted in G. K. Bell,Documents on, Christian Unity, second edition, pp 102ff).
3. Report of a Special Committee set up by the Baptist Union on the question of Union between Baptists, Congregationalists and Presbyterians, 1937.
4. Arthur Dakin, The Baptist View of thel Church and Ministry, Kingsgate Press, 1944.
5. E. A. Payne,The Fellowship of Believers: Baptist Thought and Practice Yesterday and Today, Kingsgate Press, 1944. (Reprints part of the 1677 Confession of the Particular Baptists and the Reply to the Lambeth Appeal.)