1. AASHTO 2009. AASHTO R28 Standard practice for accelerated aging of asphalt binder using a pressurized aging vessel (PAV) . American Association of State Highway Transportation Officials.
2. AASHTO, 2013a. AASHTO t 240, standard practice for effect of heat and Air on a moving film of asphalt binder (rolling thin-film oven test). Washington, D.C.: American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials.
3. AASHTO, 2013b. AASHTO t 283, standard practice for resistance of compacted asphalt mixtures to moistures-induced damage. Washington, D.C.: American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials.
4. AASHTO, 2015. AASHTO r 30, standard parctice for mixture conditioning of hot mix asphalt(HMA). Washington, D.C.: American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials.
5. Abadi K. G. 2019. Investigation the effect of Aging on the moisture susceptibility of Asphalt mixtures . University of Guilan 21–23.