1. ASTM E1911, Standard test method for measuring paved surface frictional properties using the dynamic friction tester, Developed by Subcommittee: E17.21, Book of Standards Volume: 04.03.
2. ASTM E1960 - 07(2011), Standard practice for calculating international friction index of a pavement surface, developed by subcommittee: E17.21, Book of Standards Volume: 04.03.
3. ASTM E-1960, 2015. Standard practice for calculating international friction index of a pavement surface. ASTM International, West Conshohocken, PA.ASTM E274/E274M–11, 2011. Standard Test Method for Friction of Paved Surfaces Using a Full-Scale Tire.
4. ASTM, 1998. Calculating international friction index of a pavement surface, standard no.E1960-98.
5. Cho, C., Stoffels, S.M., and Rado, Z., 2010. Application of hilbert huang transformation to analyze pavement texture-skid resistance relationship. Thesis of the Pennsylvania State University.