1. Baerreis, D. A. and R. A. Bryson 1967 Climatic Change and the Mill Creek Culture of Iowa.Archives of Archaeology, No. 29. The Society for American Archaeology and the University of Wisconsin Press, Madison.
2. Henning, D.R. 1967b Ceramics from the Mill Creek Sites. In, Climatic Change and the Mill Creek Culture of Iowa, D. A. Baerreis and R. A. Bryson, eds. pp. 332-502.Archives of Archaeology, No. 29. Society for American Archaeology and the University of Wisconsin Press, Madison.
3. Hurt, W. R. 1951 Report of the Investigation of the Swanson Site, 39BR 16, Brule County, South Dakota.Archaeological Studies Circular, No. 3. State Archaeological Commission. Pierre.
4. Hurt, W. R. 1953 Report of the Investigation of the Thomas Riggs Site, 39HU1, Hughes County, South Dakota,Archaeological Studies Circular, No. 5. South Dakota Archaeological Commission. Pierre.
5. Johnston, R. B. 1967 The Hitchell Site,Smithsonian Institution, River Basin Surveys, Publications in Salvage Archaeology, No. 3. Lincoln.