1. Alexander, Robert K., John D. Hartley, and Thomas F. Babcock 1982 A Settlement Survey of the Fort CarsonMilitary Reservation. 3 vols. Report submitted to the National Park Service-Interagency Archeological Services, Grand River Consultants Inc., Grand Junction, Colorado.
2. Anderson, Elaine, Margaret A. Van Ness, Larry Grantham, and Linda Scott Cummings 1989 Analysis of Nonartifactual Materials. In Archaeological Excavation of Recon John Shelter (5PE648) on the Fort Carson Military Reservation, Pueblo County, Colorado, edited by C. J. Zier, 198-275. Report prepared for National Park Service-Rocky Mountain Regional Office. Centennial Archaeology, Inc., Fort Collins, Colorado.
3. Anderson, Jane L. 1989a Chronological Framework. In Temporal Assessment of Diagnostic Materials from the Pition Canyon Maneuver Site: Towards the Development of a Cultural Chronology for Southeastern Colorado, edited by C. Lintz and J. L. Anderson, 8-41. Memoirs of the Colorado Archaeological Society, No. 4.
4. Anderson, Jane L. 1989b Projectile Points. In Temporal Assessment of Diagnostic Materials from the Pifton Canyon Maneuver Site: Towards Development of a Cultural Chronology for Southeastern Colorado, edited by C. Lintz and J. L. Anderson, 111-315. Memoirs of the Colorado Archaeological Society, No. 4.
5. Benedict, James B. 1981 The Fourth of July Valley Glacial Geology and Archeology of the Timberline Ecotone. Research Report No. 2. Center for Mountain Archeology, Ward, Colorado.