1. Dorsey, G.A. 1904 The Mythology of the Wichita. Carnegie Institution of Washington, Publication No. 21. Washington.
2. Dorsey, J.0. 1884 Omaha Sociology. Third Annual Report, Bureau of American Ethnology. Washington.
3. Lehmer, D.J. 1954 Archeological Investigations in theOahe Dam Area, South Dakota, 1950-51. Bureau of American Ethnology Bulletin 158, River Basin Surveys Papers No. 7. Washington.
4. Lehmer, D.J. 1966 The Fire Heart Creek Site. Smithsonian Institution, Publications in Salvage Archeology, No. 1. Lincoln.
5. Mason, O.T. 1891 Aboriginal Skin Dressing. Annua Report of the U.S. National Museurr for the Year Ending 1889. Wash ington.