1. Affective Economies
2. Arbingast, S. A. (1970, December 21). [Letter to Bryce Jordan]. UT President’s Office Records 1884–2014 [Box 80-50/33, Folder Security 1968–1970], Briscoe Center for American History, UT-Austin.
3. Beaubien, J. (2020, October 13). More companies are using technology to monitor for coronavirus in the workplace. [Radio broadcast episode]. NPR. Retrieved from https://npr.org/2020/10/13/918315238/more-companies-are-using-technology-to-monitor-for-coronavirus-in-the-workplace
4. Blair, C. P. (1972, June 9). [Letter to Stephen H. Spurr]. UT President’s Office Records 1884–2014 [Box 80-50/60, Folder I Security 1970–1972], Briscoe Center for American History, UT-Austin.
5. Static to Dynamic: Professional Identity as Inventory, Invention, and Performance in Classrooms and Workplaces