1. Chemical Carcinogenesis and Experimental Models Using Human Tissues
2. International Agency for Research on Cancer. 1972–1976. “IARC Monographs on the evaluation of carcinogenic risk of chemicals to man”. Vol. 1, Lyon, France (1972). Vol. 2 (1973), Some inorganic and organometallic compounds. Vol. 3 (1973), Some polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons and heterocyclic compounds. Vol. 4 (1974), Some aromatic amines, hydrazine and related substances, N‐nitroso compounds and miscellaneous alkylating agents. Vol. 5 (1974), Some organochlorine pesticides. Vol. 6 (1974), Sex hormones. Vol. 7 (1974), Some anti‐thyroid and related substances, nitrofurans and industrial chemicals. Vol. 8 (1975), Some aromatic azo dyes. Vol. 9 (1975), Some aziridines, N‐ S‐ & O‐mustards and selenium. Vol. 10 (1976), Some naturally occurring substances. Vol. 11 (1976), Cadmium, nickel, some epoxides, miscellaneous industrial chemicals and general considerations on volatile anesthetics. Vol. 12 (1976), Some carbamates, thiocarbamates and carbazides.