1. Barfod, K. S., & Bølling, M. (2022). Anticipated bias in education outside the classroom research – do we promote representative participation? 9th International Outdoor Education Research Conference (IOERC), University of Cumbria, Amberside https://ioerc9.org/
2. The sword of Damocles: autoethnographic considerations of child safeguarding policy in Aotearoa New Zealand
3. Bohle, P., Buchanan, J., Cooke, T., Considine, G., Jakubauskas, M., Quinlan, M., Rafferty, M., & Ryan, R. (2008). The evolving work environment in New Zealand: Implications for occupational health and safety. National Occupational Health and Safety Advisory Committee (NOHSAC).
4. Bølling, M., Elsborg, P., Stage, A., Stahlhut, M., Mygind, L., Melby, P. S., Barfod, K. S., Amholt, T. T., Fernando, N., Ventura, A., Mikkelsen, S., Müllertz, A. L. O., Otte, C. R., Brønd, J. C., Klinker, C. D., Aadahl, M., Nielsen, G., & Bentsen, P. (2024). Exploring the Interplay of Three Danish Research Initiatives on Education Outside the Classroom: Findings and Future Directions. 10th International Outdoor Education Research Conference, Japan.
5. Using thematic analysis in psychology