1. Aaku, T., Rasimus, R. & Alanen, Y. (1980). Nuring staff as individual therapists in the psychotherapeutic community.Psychiatria Fennica. Yearbook(pp. 9–31). Helsinki: The Foundation for Psychiatric Research in Finland
2. Aaltonen, J., Koffert, T., Ahonen, J. & Lehtinen,V. (2000).Skitsofrenian tarpeenmukainen hoito on ryhmätyötä. Raportti Akuutin psykoosin integroitu hoito –projektin tuottamista hoitoperiaatteista. [The Need-Adapted treatment of schizophreina is team work.]In Finnish with English summary. Stakes, Raportteja, 257. Helsinki: Stakes, 131 s
3. Towards a more humanistic psychiatry: Development of need‐adapted treatment of schizophrenia group psychoses
4. Preface