1. Bertrand, J. 1883. “Review of Theorie Mathematique de la Richesse Sociale, par Leon Walras; Recherches sur les Principes Mathematique de la Theorie des Richesses, par Augustin Cournot.” Journal des Savants (September): 499–508 [Translated by Margaret Chevaillier as ‘Review by Joseph Bertrand of two Books’, History of Political Economy, 24 (1992), 646–653].
2. Investigating a judgemental rank‐ordering method for maintaining standards in UK examinations
3. Teachers' estimates of candidates' grades: Curriculum 2000 Advanced Level Qualifications
4. Gove, M. 2013. “House of Commons Debates: Curriculum and Exam Reform.” February 7. Hansard, Vol. 558, Part No. 113.
5. Kerr, J. (2002). “John Kerr, a Spokesperson for OCR.” 1st ed. quoted inThe Guardian, October 29.