1. Ainscow, Mel, Tony Booth, and Alan Dyson. 1999. “Inclusion and Exclusion in Schools: Listening to Some Hidden Voices.” In Inclusive Education: International Voices on Disability and Justice, edited by Keith Ballard, 141–154. London: UK Falmer Press.
2. Alderson, Priscilla, and Chris Goodey. 1998. Enabling Education: Experiences in Special and Ordinary Schools. London: The Tufnell Press.
3. Foucault and Special Educational Needs: A 'box of tools' for analysing children's experiences of mainstreaming
4. Allan, Julie. 1999. Actively Seeking Inclusion: Pupils with Special Needs in Mainstream School. 1st ed. London: Falmer Press.
5. International inspiration and national aspirations: inclusive education in Portugal