1. Asahi Shimbun Editorial. (2015, November 21). Indictment of Historian a Crisis of Freedom in S. Korea.
2. Asahi Shimbun. (2014, December 10). Heitosupīchi wa jinshuusabetsu Zaitokukai-gawa e no baishō meirei kakutei [Hate speech is racial discrimination, order for Zaitokukai to pay compensation finalized].
3. Asahi Shimbun. (2015, December 30). Nihon no 10 oku-en kyoshutsu 'shōjo-zō iten ga zentei' ianfumondai [‘Moving the girl statue is precondition’ for Japan’s 1 billion yen contribution on comfort women issue].
4. Parliamentary Diplomacy in Northeast Asia: Lessons from the Parliamentarians’ Unions in Japan and South Korea
5. The triumph of hope over experience