1. I have drawn such figures from two useful sources, Islam in Europe: The Politics of Religion and Community VertovecStevenPeachCeriMacmillan PressLondon1997and Brigitte Marechal (ed.), A Guidebook on Islam and Muslims in the Wide Contemporary Europe [sic] (French and English; Louvain-La-Neuve: Bruylant-Academia, 2002).
2. The West could be used as a cultural entity to encompass Muslims in Australia, New Zealand, South Africa and the Caribbean, as in a recent collection of essays Muslim Minorities in the West, Visible and Invisible HaddadY.Y.SmithJ.I.Altamira PressOxford2002
3. Fletcher, Richard.(2003) The Cross and the Crescent, Christianity and Islam from Muhammad to the Reformation. London : Allen Lane. Carole Hillenbrand's The Crusades: Islamic Perspectives (Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press, 1999) includes a brilliant chapter revealingly entitled, ‘How the Muslims Saw the Franks: Ethnic and Religious Stereotypes’.
4. SeeHaddadY.Y.SmithJ.I.United States of America The Oxford Encyclopedia of the Modern Islamic World EspositoJ.L.Oxford University PressNew York19954277284in
5. SeeMatarNabil Islam in Britain, 1558–1685 Cambridge University PressCambridge1998