Do individual characteristics influence the beta-elliptic modeling errors during ellipse drawing movements?


Dhieb Thameur12ORCID,Rezzoug Nasser34ORCID,Boubaker Houcine2ORCID,Ben Ayed Mounir25ORCID,Alimi Adel M.26ORCID


1. Networks and Multimedia Department, University of Sousse, ISITCom, Sousse, Tunisia

2. REGIM-Lab.: REsearch Groups in Intelligent Machines, University of Sfax, Sfax, Tunisia

3. Inria, Centre Bordeaux Sud-Ouest, Equipe Projet AUCTUS Inria/IMS (Univ. Bordeaux, CNRS UMR5218), Talence, France

4. Faculty of Sports Sciences, Université de Toulon, Toulon, France

5. Computer Sciences and Communication Department, Faculty of Sciences of Sfax, University of Sfax, Sfax, Tunisia

6. Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering Science, Faculty of Engineering and the Built Environment, University of Johannesburg, Johannesburg, South Africa


Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research of Tunisia


Informa UK Limited


Computer Science Applications,Human-Computer Interaction,Biomedical Engineering,General Medicine,Bioengineering

Reference40 articles.

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3. Handwriting trajectory movements controlled by a Beta-elliptic model

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1. New In-Air Signature Datasets;2023 International Symposium on Networks, Computers and Communications (ISNCC);2023-10-23

2. Multi-head Self-attention and BGRU for Online Arabic Grapheme Text Segmentation;2023 International Conference on Cyberworlds (CW);2023-10-03

3. A new online Arabic handwriting dataset for analyzing Parkinson’s disease;2023 International Conference on Cyberworlds (CW);2023-10-03

4. 4D dynamic system for visual-motor integration analysis;Computer Methods in Biomechanics and Biomedical Engineering;2022-10-14







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