1. The Causal Effect of Radical Right Success on Mainstream Parties’ Policy Positions: A Regression Discontinuity Approach
2. Arnesen, Sveinung (2018). ‘A Guide to the 2017 European Internet Panel Study (EIPS)’, NORCE Norwegian Research Centre and University of Bergen, Bergen, Norway, available at https://bookdown.org/sveinungarnesen78/eips2017-guide/ (accessed 31 May 2022).
3. Arnesen, Sveinung, Laurent Lesnard, Anne Cornilleau, Anne-Sopfhie Cousteaux, and ELIPSS Team (2017). ‘Few Questions on Europe, Fondation Nationale des Sciences Politiques (FNSP)’, Data Archive: Centre de Données Socio-Politiques (CDSP). Version 0.
4. Reacting to the Radical Right
5. Inside the Radical Right