Why chlorate occurs in potable water and processed foods: a critical assessment and challenges faced by the food industry


Kettlitz Beate1,Kemendi Gabriella2,Thorgrimsson Nigel3,Cattoor Nele4,Verzegnassi Ludovica5,Le Bail-Collet Yves6,Maphosa Farai7,Perrichet Aurélie8,Christall Birgit9,Stadler Richard H.10


1. FoodDrinkEurope, Brussels, Belgium

2. European Association of Fruit and Vegetable Processors (PROFEL), Brussels, Belgium

3. Ardo, PROFEL, Chair of Technical & Legislative Committee, Brussels, Belgium

4. VEGEBE, Association of Belgian Vegetable Processors, Brussels, Belgium

5. Nestlé, FoodDrinkEurope, Chair of the FCM Expert Group, Brussels, Belgium

6. Cargill, FoodDrinkEurope, Contaminant Expert Group, Brussels, Belgium

7. Danone Nutricia, Specialised Nutrition Europe, Chair of the Food Safety Work Group, Brussels, Belgium

8. Specialised Nutrition Europe, Brussels, Belgium

9. BLL – German Federation for Food Law and Food Science, Berlin, Germany

10. Nestlé, FoodDrinkEurope, Chair of the Process Contaminant Expert Group, Brussels, Belgium


Informa UK Limited


Health, Toxicology and Mutagenesis,Public Health, Environmental and Occupational Health,Toxicology,General Chemistry,General Medicine,Food Science

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4. Review: Norovirus prevalence in Belgian, Canadian and French fresh produce: A threat to human health?








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