1. Albers, A. and Alink, T. Support of design engineering activity for a systematic improvement of products. The Future of Product Development, Proceedings of the 17th Cirp Design Seminar. Berlin, Germany. Edited by: Frank-Lothar, Kause. pp.105–114. Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer.
2. Albers, A. Support of system analyses and improvement in industrial design trough the Contact & Channel Model. Tools and methods of competitive engineering – TMCE 2008: proceedings of the seventh international symposium. Edited by: Horváth, I., Mandorli, F. and Rusá, Z. pp.245–252. Izmir: Delft University of Technology.
3. Albers, A., Alink, T. and Deigendesch, T. Support of design engineering activity – the Contact and Channel Model (C&CM) in the context of problem solving and the role of modeling. Proceedings of Design 2008, the 10th International Design Conference. Edited by: Marjanovic, D. štorga, M., Pavkovic, N. and Bojcetic, N. pp.97–102. Dubrovnik, Croatia, Zagreb: Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Naval Architecture, University of Zagreb. Glasgow: The Design Society
4. Alink, T. Different function breakdowns for one existing. International conference on design computing and cognition DCC2010. Stuttgart, Netherlands. Edited by: Gero, J. S. pp.405–425. Springer.