1. Cronin, M. Debating to learn across the curriculum: Implementation and assessment. Paper presented at the meeting of the Southern States Communication Association. Birmingham, AL. April, (ERIC Document Reproduction Service No. ED 327 092)
2. Cronin, M. The effects of interactive video instruction in “constructing speaking outlines”. Paper presented at the meeting of the Speech Communication Association. Chicago. November,
3. Cronin, M. and Glenn, P. Oral communication across the curriculum in higher education: Assessment, recommendations, and implications for the Speech Communication discipline. Paper presented at the meeting of the International Communication Association. Dublin, Ireland. June, (ERIC Document Reproduction Service No. ED 327 095)
4. Cronin, M. and Glenn, P. The Oral Communication Program: Program description and model proposal for a communication across the curriculum emphasis. Paper presented at the meeting of the Speech Communication Association. Chicago. November, (ERIC Document Reproduction Service No. ED 327 099)
5. Oral communication across the curriculum in higher education: The state of the art