1. Separation of Isotopes in the Thermal Diffusion Column
2. The Theory of the Separation of Isotopes by Thermal Diffusion
3. Burris, J. H. and Tunstall, J. N. June 14 1974. June 14, USAEC Report CTC-60
4. Ashcroft, H. Proceedings of the International Symposium on Isotope Separation. April23–271957, Amsterdam. Edited by: Kistemaker, J., Bigeleisen, J. and Nier, A. O. C. pp.33Amsterdam: North-Holland Publishing Company. An equivalent concept for binary mixtures was described by
5. The computer program, known as MTRAN, will be described in detail in two Mound reports scheduled to be published this year. The program will also be submitted to the Argonne Code Center for distribution to interested users