1. WOOD EVALUATION OF Eucalyptus pellita F.Muell. AND Eucalyptus tereticornis Smith AS POTENTIAL FOR PULP AND PAPER PRODUCTION
2. Formation of heartwood, chemical composition of extractives and natural durability of plantation-grown teak wood from Mexico
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4. AWPA. 2013. E18-13 Standard field test for evaluation of wood preservatives intended for use category 3B applications exposed, out of ground contact, uncoated ground proximity decay method. Birmingham (AL): American Wood Protection Association Book of Standards; p. 355–359.
5. AWPC. 2007. Field decay hazard class H3 L-joint test. In: Protocols for assessment of wood preservatives. Rotorua (New Zealand): Australasian Wood Preservation Committee; March 2007 revision; p. 24–25.