1. Anon. 1733. Ballycastle collieries set in their proper light: with answers to several objections against the benefit that may arise to this kingdom thereby. Dublin.
2. Ayre, W. 1817. A chart of the collieries near Ballycastle describing dykes state of the works, etc., in Aug. 1817. Boyd Estate Office.
3. Molesworth, W. The Barony of Cary In the County of Antrim (copied from Down Survey). PRONI D597/1/14 1641 Depositions. TCD Ms. 838, fols 074r
4. Public Record Office of Northern Ireland (PRONI) D/562/1185. ‘An Account of the Collieries and Harbour at Ballycastle, humbly addressed to the Hon. House of Commons of Ireland, by Hugh Boyd, Esq.’ c.1757.