1. Akstein, D. 1961.Psicofisiologia de Indução Hipnótica. ‘Psychophysiology of hypnotic induction.’ (Separata). Paper presented at the meeting of the Pan American Congress of Hypnology. July1961, Rio de Janeiro.
2. Akstein, D. 1965.Les transes rituelles brésiliennes et les perspectives de leur application a la psychiatrie et à la médecine psychosomatique. ‘Brazilian ritual trances and perspectives of their use in psychiatry and psychosomatic medicine.’. Paper presented at the Congres International d'Hypnose et de Médecine. Psychosomatique. April1965, Paris. (a)
3. The Induction of Hypnosis in the Light of Reflexology
4. Akstein, D. 1966. Kinetic trances and their application in treatment and profilaxis of psychoneuroses and psychosomatic diseases. Paper presented at the meeting of the World Congress on Psychiatry. September1966, Madrid.