1. ABA: DKP's Arkiv: Arkivnr.: 921 Danmarks Kommunistiske Parti Arkiv: Centralkomiteens øvrige udvalg: Kvindepolitisk udvalg: Kasse 522–523 [ABA: DCP's Archive: Archive number 921, Denmark's Communist Party's Archive: The Central Committee's other committees: Women's political committee: Box 522 and 523].
2. ABA: Fagbevægelsens Kvindesekretariat. Arkivnr.:531 Fagbevægelsens Kvindesekretariat Arkiv. Kasse 1–5 and Fagbevægelsens Kvindesekretariat 1929–1962 [ABA: The Women's Secretariat of the Trade Union Archive number 531 the Women's Secretariat of the Trade Union's archive. Box 1–5 and the Women's Secretariat of the Trade Union 1929–1962].
3. The Politics of Social Solidarity
4. Collective Organizing and Claim Making on Child Care in Norden: Blurring the Boundaries between the Inside and the Outside