LXIX. The Bakerian Lecture. On some of the combinations of oxymuriatic gas and oxygen, and on the chemical relations of these principles to inflammable bodies


Davy Humphry


Informa UK Limited

Reference6 articles.

1. Specim. Bech.part ii 255–255. Stahl approached nearly to the discovery of the pure alkalies. He cemented solid caustic potash with iron filings in a long continued heat, and states, that in this way an alkali “valde causticum” is produced He procured caustic alkali also, by decomposing nitre by the metals.Id.p. 253. I find that when nitre is decomposed in a crucible of platina, by a strong red heat, a yellow substance remains, which consists of potash and oxide of platina, apparently in chemical combination. The undecompounded potash which comes over in the process for procuring potassium by the gun-barrel, is of an olive colour, and affords oxide of iron during its solution in water. Pure potash will probably be found to have an affinity for many metallic exides

2. Annales de Chimie, tome lxviii 190–190.

3. Berthoilet , M. Mem. d' Arcueil, tom. ii 47–47. These processes must not however be considered as showing that boracic acid that has been heated to whiteness is entirely free from water; they merely prove that such an acid gives off no water by combination with pure potash at ared heat.I have found that boracic acid in perfect fusion, and that has been long exposed to the blast of a forge, and that has long ceased to effervesce, gives globules of hydrogen; when dry iron filings are made to act upon it. I added to 54 grains of boracic acid in complete fusion, in a crucible of platina, 75 grains of flint glass that had been previously heated to whiteness, and immediately reduced into powder in a hot iron mortar: by raising the heat so as to produce combination, a copious effervescence was produced; and after intense ignition for half an hour, the mixture was found to have lost three grains and a quarter. The combinations of boracic acid with potash and soda, that have been heated to redness, I find lose weight when their temperature is raised to a much higher degree. Thus, in an experiment made in the laboratory of my friend John George Children, Esq. and in which Mr. Children was so kind as to co-operate, 71 grains of hydrat of potash, mixed with 96 of boracic acid that had been heated as stroagly as possible in a blast furnace, lost by fusion together in a red heat 11 grains, but on raising the temperature to whiteness the loss increased to above 13 grains. 55.5 grains of hydrat of soda, mixed with 80 of boracic acid, examined at intervals in a process of this kind, continued to lose weight for half an hour, during which time they were frequently heated to whiteness; at the end of this period the whole loss was 14 grains, of which at least one grain and a half may be referred to the acid. 95 grains of soda, ignited to whiteness in a platina crucible, with 140 of dry flint glass, lost 22.2 grains; 80 grains of boracic glass were added to this mixture; a fresh effervescence took place, and after intense ignition for a few minutes, there was an additional loss of weight of four grains and a half The energy with which water adheres to certain bodies in other cases, is shown by the experiments of Indeed it is impossible to say that a neutral compound, or a fixed acid, is ever entirely free from water; it is only the first proportions that are easily separated. If the proportions of water in common potash and soda were to be judged of from their loss of weight, in combining with boracic acid, it would appear to be from 19 to 20 per cent. in the first, and from 23 to 25 in the second

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