1. A caseload management matrix form is available from the senior author as part of an internship packet, at cost: $5.00. The packet includes several forms and checklists: The Competency Checklist. The Social and Professional Behavior Checklist. The Internship Schedule, Test Administration Evaluation Forms, Problem Solving Consultation Evaluation Form, Classroom Management Evaluation Form, Internship Application, and other documents. Requests should be sent to the senior author, Department of Psychology, Western Michigan University, Kalamazoo, Michigan 49008.
2. Several other tools are available for use by the field and/or university supervisor in teaching interns various organizational and time management skills. (A) TheUncalendar, from People Systems, Inc., Scottsdale, Arizona. (B) Daily and weekly calendar and activity pocket and desk books, from Day Timers, Inc., Allentown, Pa. 18001. (C) Daily Time Record and Time Analysis Questions, Things To Do Today, Weekly Plan, and Timesaver Meeting Planner, from Time Management Center, P.O. Box 5, Grandville, Mi. 49418.
3. Behavioral Observation for the School Psychologist: Responsive-Discrepancy Model