1. Armstrong, N.(1987) Desire and Domestic Fiction: A Political History of the Novel. New York and Oxford : Oxford University Press.
2. Casey, E. (1996) “Edging Women Out? Reviews of Women Novelists in the Athenaeum” Victorian Studies, 39(2), pp. 151 - 171.
3. Chattman, L. (1994) “Actresses at Home and on Stage: Spectacular Domesticity and the Victorian Theatrical Novel” Novel, 28, pp. 72 - 88.
4. Clarke, N.(1990) Ambitious Heights: Writing, Friendship, Love - The Jewsbury Sisters, Felicia Hemans, and Jane Carlyle . London : Routledge.
5. Eliot, G.(1990) “Silly Novels by Lady Novelists”. In selected Essays, Poems and Other Writings. ( pp. 140 - 163 ). London : Penguinedited. Original work published 1856.