1. Bashkin, Orit. “Mosul as Paradise: Nazis, Angels, Jewish Soldiers, and the Jewish Community in Northern Iraq, 1941–1943.” In Nazism, the Holocaust, and the Middle East: Arab and Turkish Responses, edited by Francis R. Nicosia, and Bogac A. Ergene. Bergahn Books, 2018.
2. New Babylonians
3. Ben-Yaacob, Abraham. The Jewish Communities of Kurdistan. 2nd and rev. ed. Jerusalem, 1981. In Hebrew.
4. Lost and Regained: They That Were Lost in the Land of Assyria;Ben-Zvi Isaac.;Phylon (1940–1956),1955
5. Beth-Hillel, David. Unknown Jews in Unknown Lands: The Travels of Rabbi David D'Beth Hillel (1824–1832). New York: Ktav Publishing House, 1973.