1. Cameron, F. R. 2010. ‘Liquid governmentalities, liquid museums and the climate crisis’ in Hot Topics, Public Culture, Museums. Edited by F. R. Cameron and L. Kelly. Newcastle on Tyne: Cambridge Scholars, pp. 112-128.
2. Climate Change and Museum Futures
3. Cameron, F. R. 2014. ‘We Are on Nature’s Side? Experimental Work in Rewriting Narratives of Climate Change for Museum Exhibitions’ in Climate Change and Museum Futures. Edited by F. R. Cameron and B. Neilson. New York: Routledge, pp. 51-77.
4. Ecologizing Experimentations: A Method and Manifesto for Composing a Post-humanist Museum
5. Cameron, F. R. 2015. ‘The liquid museum: New ontologies for a climate changed world’ in Museum theory: An expanded field. Edited by A. Witcomb and K. Message. UK: Blackwell, pp. 345-362.