1. 2) H. Yoshida, K. Arai, H. Akimichi and T. Kobata: (Measurement to be published).
2. 4) T. Ogiwara: in 46th Shinku kaki daigaku text (Textbook of 46th vacuum summer seminar), ed. The Vacuum Society of Japan, (2006) p. 95 [in Japanese].
3. 5) J. M. Lafferty ed.: Foundations of Vacuum Science and technology (John Wiley and Sons, Inc., New York, 1998) p. 96.
4. 6) JISB8328 Vacuum technology—Turbomolecular pumps—Measurement of performance characteristics, Japan standards association (2009).
5. 7) S. Sukenobu: in 46th Shinku kaki daigaku text (Textbook of 46th vacuum summer seminar), ed. The Vacuum Society of Japan, (2006) p. 200 [in Japanese].