Apolipoprotein E4 as a Novel Treatment Target for Alzheimer’s Disease



The importance of Alzheimer’s Disease (AD) research has never been greater from a worldwide perspective with the disease becoming increasingly prevalent with life expectancy on the rise. One emerging factor that has presented as a serious risk that still requires more research and understanding is the role and effects of Apolipoprotein E4 (ApoE4). When present, individuals are three times more likely to develop AD in their lifetime. This is due to ApoE4’s ability to not only increase amyloid beta plaque aggregation ApoE4 also increases hyperphosphorylation of tau causing neurofibrillary tangles. These two factors are the well-known hallmarks for AD, which increase the importance for ApoE4 research as it affects both major aspects. Treatment for AD has always been an issue due to a variety of factors with only a few approved for use today. These approved treatments are only to ease and supress symptoms rather than treating the disease. Dementia symptoms such as memory loss, language problems, motor skills, irritability and paranoia are all symptoms that destroy patient’s ability to function in their communities. Inhibiting ApoE4 and reducing its toxic effects is a promising theory that has the ability to extend AD patients’ lifespan and prolong capable brain function limiting brain tissue degradation.


Cell Physiol Biochem Press GmbH and Co KG



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