Psychological stress is an important factor involved in disease manifestations of human papillomavirus (HPV) infection, and it can participate in HPV-associated carcinogenesis. The impact or effect which stress can have (exert) depends on a person’s genetic pool, experiences and behaviors. Due to inconsistencies in some study results, this issue remains a subject of research. Concerning the course of HPV manifestations, it has been observed that a higher number of life stressors in at least the previous 6 months, the absence of social support and the types of personal coping mechanisms employed, all influence HPV progression. In women with cervical dysplasia, a connection between greater stress experiences and dysregulation of specific immune responses has been observed. Once HPV enters a cell via the α6 integrin there are three possible sequences: latent infection, subclinical infection, and clinically manifest disease. HPV proliferation in differentiated epithelial cells induces morphologically cytopathic changes (koilocytosis, epidermal thickening, hyperplasia, hyperkeratosis). Oncogenic transformation requires the integration of the virus genome into the host genome. In doing so, DNA in the E1 region of E2 breaks down, leading to transcription disorders of E6 and E7. For the formation of irreversible malignancy, the following sequence is necessary: initial expression of E6 and E7 genes followed by suppression of apoptosis and the stabile expression of E6 and E7 proteins that protect transformed cells from apoptosis. A successful immune response is characterized by a strong, local cell-mediated immune response. Several factors are important for the regression of HPV manifestation/infection, among which is psychological stress which can prolong the duration and severity of HPV disease. Stress hormones may reactivate latent tumor viruses, stimulate viral oncogene expression, and inhibit antiviral host responses. In the regression of HPV infection, increased activity of Th1 cells was observed. However, during psychosocial stress, a decrease in the Th1 type of immune response is seen, and there is a shift towards a Th2 response. Understanding perceived stress and biological changes in stress, as well as the evaluation of immune parameters, gives researchers a better picture of how stress influences HPV infections and how to improve disease management and outcomes.
Cell Physiol Biochem Press GmbH and Co KG
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