Davidson A. G.,Redmond D. R.
Information on decay in 409 white, 653 red, and 51 black spruce was obtained at locations in the Maritime Provinces. Since the number of black spruce examined was small, this paper deals mainly with decay in white and red spruce. Gross and net volume tables are presented for white and red spruce in cubic feet and in board feet by age and diameter. The volume of decay in red spruce was less than in white spruce but, in both species, it was apparently not great enough to influence the selection of rotation ages based on the growth increments of individual trees. Butt decays were found to be more important than trunk decays in causing losses in both white and red spruce. The fungi producing white rots were the most important causes of both types of decay. Butt-decay fungi entered the trees mainly through the roots. Branch stubs were the most important infection courts for trunk-decaying fungi in white spruce, while in red spruce, wounds were as important as branch stubs. A list of the fungi associated with decays in spruce is presented.
Canadian Institute of Forestry
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