Verrez Alice,Quiring Dan,Leinekugel Le Cocq Thibaut,Adams Greg,Sung Park Yill
White pine weevil (Pissodes strobi Peck) damage was evaluated in one white pine (Pinus strobus L.) and four jack pine(Pinus banksiana Lamb) half-sib family test sites to determine the role of tree genotype in resistance to the weevil. Halfsibfamily explained a significant proportion of the variation in weevil attack at all sites. Estimates of family (0.16-0.54)and individual (0.09-0.24) heritabilities of jack pine resistance to white pine weevil were moderate. Estimates of family(0.37) and individual (0.22) heritability of resistance of white pine to the weevil were also moderate when the percentageof test trees damaged by the weevil was relatively low, but were insignificant four years later when more than three-quartersof trees were damaged. Significant positive correlations between mean tree height and mean incidence of trees damagedby the weevil were observed for four of seven site-years but relationships were weak, suggesting that any cost, withrespect to height growth, to breeding weevil resistant trees may be small.Key words: Pinus, Pissodes strobi, trade-offs, tree improvement, tree resistance, white pine weevil.
Canadian Institute of Forestry
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