The importance of the pelvis for human health and vital activity


Krasnoyarova Nadezhda,Kipchakpaevna Venera,Vashurin Anatoly,Serdyuk Elena


The article discusses anatomical and physiological features of the pelvis, somatic dysfunctions of the pelvis, which are observed in various diseases and have a significant impact on the functioning of various physiological systems of the body. The results of osteopathic correction of pathogenetically significant dysfunctions in the body, which lead to the emergence and development of many diseases, in combination with osteopathic correction of the detected somatic dysfunctions of the pelvis in 695 patients are presented. The effectiveness of this combination has been shown. The importance of the pelvis for human health and vital activity is substantiated.


Professional Medical Association of Osteopathy and Manual Medicine Specialists "Association of Osteopaths"

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