Complex myofascial pain syndrome


Khaibullina Dina1ORCID,Maximov Yuri1ORCID


1. Kazan State Medical Academy


Myofascial pain syndrome is one of the most common manifestations of musculoskeletal pain, and it is manifested not only by the pain syndrome but also by localized highly sensitive areas of pain sensitivity changes. Clinical manifestations of isolated trigger zones have been described in the literature. However, in practice, one has to deal with the myofascial pain syndrome caused by multiple trigger zones in the muscles of one or several neighboring regions. In this case, pain patterns overlap and change the clinical picture and, in some cases, lead to misdiagnosis. In order to illustrate such a course of the myofascial pain syndrome, the article presents a clinical case. As a matter of discussion, it is suggested to designate myofascial pain syndrome with multiple active trigger zones in several muscles with interference ofthe referred pain zones as “complex myofascial pain syndrome”.


Professional Medical Association of Osteopathy and Manual Medicine Specialists "Association of Osteopaths"

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