
Smirnov Valery,Lyudagovskaya Anna,Savvova Maria,Smirnov Viktor


Pain syndromes of cervical osteochondrosis are among the most common in neurological practice. The complex anatomic and physiological features of the cervical spine result in a variety of clinical syndromes in case of cervical osteochondrosis. The clinical features of the formation of refl ex and compression syndromes of cervical steochondrosis were identifi ed as a result of the examination. In patients with refl ex pain syndromes, the distribution of pain over the sclerotome and myotome areas (myosclerotome pain) and the absence of motor and sensory disorders were characteristic. Patients with compression radicular syndrome featured the distribution of pain sensation over dermatome areas, motor disturbances in the form of muscle paresis or hypotonia, corresponding myotome, decrease or absence of corresponding tendon refl exes, and sensory disturbances in the dermatome area of the aff ected radicle.


Professional Medical Association of Osteopathy and Manual Medicine Specialists "Association of Osteopaths"

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