Earlydevelopmentaldelaysin children with craniocerebral disproportion


Biketov Oleg1


1. MC «Zdorov'e», Nizhniy Novgorod, Rossiya


The article offers a description of an urgent medical problem that has been actively considered as an interdisciplinary problem for several years. The author considers the formation of child development delays as an element of pathogenesis in case of craniocerebral disproportion / nonsyndromiccraniosynostosis resulting from perinatal lesions of the central nervous system, and he describes this cause-and-effect relationship based on his own model [4,5] and literature data. This approach makes it possible to introduce new details into the understanding of pathogenesis of developmental delays in young children and, consequently, to consider new methods of solving the problem of their correction.


Professional Medical Association of Osteopathy and Manual Medicine Specialists "Association of Osteopaths"

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