The Japan Sociological Society
Reference39 articles.
1. 阿部利洋,2007,『紛争後社会と向き合う―南アフリカ真実和解委員会』京都大学学術出版会.
2. Abe, T., 2018, Unintended Consequences in Transitional Justice: Social Recovery at the Local Level, Boulder: Lynne Rienner Publishers; Kyoto: Kyoto University Press.
3. Abe, T. and Z. Khoisan, 2018, “Specific Incompleteness Elicited Complementary Action: Unexpected Legacy of the South African TRC,” African Study Monographs, 39(1): 1-26.
4. Ainley, K., 2017, “Evaluating the Evaluators: Transitional Justice and the Contest of Values,” International Journal of Transitional Justice, 11(3): 421-42.
5. 蘭信三,2013,「満州引揚者のライフヒストリー研究の可能性―歴史実践としての『下伊那のなかの満州』」福間良明・野上元・蘭信三・石原俊編『戦争社会学の構想―制度・体験・メディア』勉誠出版,139-71.