Stunting : Studi Konstruksi Sosial Masyarakat Perdesaan dan Perkotaan Terkait Gizi dan Pola Pengasuhan Balita di Kabupaten Jember


Lestari Weny,Kristiana Lusi,Paramita Astridya


Abstract: Indonesia’s rank in world was 5th on stunting case. 5 million of children under five (38.6 % from 12 milion) got stunting in Indonesia. The aims of this study were to descript the social construction of rural-urban community about the meaning of children’s health and illness,and the pattern of nurturing which was related to stunting. The study used qualitative’s method, datas collected with depth interview and observation partisipation. The study was conducted in rural-urban communities which had stunting cases in Jember (Kalisat and Jelbuk). The study was conducted in June to December 2013. The study showed that stunting were related to social construction. Difference social construction in rural-urban which constructed the meaning of healthy or illness and nuruturing the stunting’s children was affected by maternal education, early-age marriage, after marriage’s residence, responsibilities of nurturing, and valuable concept in community that causes the lack of knowledge about nutrition. The study concluded that stunting was not a single cause of heatlh’s problems, but it related to social construction. Causes lied in the distinction of social construction, patterns of communication and interpretation between health providers and community, so there was no meeting point for the success of nutritional improvement children under five’s programs.


Pusat Penelitian Badan Keahlian Sekretariat Jenderal DPR RI

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