1. 1) Weather Underground, http://www.wunderground.com/
2. 2) Google Maps, http://maps.google.com
3. 3) EarthCam, http://www.earthcam.com/
4. 4) H. S. Sawhney, A. Arpa, R. Kumar, S. Samarasekera, M. Aggarwal, S. Hsu, D. Nister, and K. Hanna: "Video Flashlights - Real Time Rendering of Multiple Videos for Immersive Model Visualization," Eurographics Workshop on Rendering, pp. 157-168 (2002)
5. 5) G. de Haan, J. Scheuer, R. de Vries, and F. H. Post: "Egocentric Navigation for Video Surveillance in 3D Virtual Environments," IEEE Symp. on 3D User Interfaces, pp. 103-110 (2009)