Trabajo infantil como fenómeno socioeconómico en Ecuador: evolución teórico-jurídica


Sandoval-Escobar Katherine ElizabethORCID,Sánchez-Lunavictoria Jacqueline CarolinaORCID,Insuasti-Castelo Rómel ManoloORCID,Mendoza-Castillo Javier RobertoORCID


Child labor is a complex problem that has been analyzed from various perspectives, due to its capital importance for the present and future of societies that seek to be built on values of inclusion and social equality. In this sense, the objective of the article is to develop a critical analysis of child labor as a socioeconomic phenomenon in Ecuador and its theoretical-legal evolution. The idea is to visualize the different perspectives on this topic, contained in the different texts of specialists, as well as some legal texts that have emerged, regarding the need to protect childhood and adolescence from premature or coercive incorporation, to the world of work. It is based on the conviction that the exploitation of children and adolescents, incorporating them early into work, triggers a series of negative effects for the future of the country, in areas such as family structure, education and the labor field itself. Regarding methodology, the article is based on a hermeneutical review of various texts or authors that delve into the most relevant aspects of the topic. The search includes scientific and academic databases such as Google Scholar, Dialnet and university repositories. The results show the persistence of child labor in Ecuador, despite nominal progress, with the approval of various legal instruments at the national level, as well as adherence to international resolutions developed in this regard. It concludes, endorsing the need to build a holistic perspective of child labor as a socioeconomic phenomenon in Ecuador.


Telos: Revista de Estudios Interdisciplinarios en Ciencias Sociales, URBE

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